We are now in Quetzaltenango, also named "Xela", and started working as volunteers in a project called Nuevos Horizontes yesterday, a shelter for women that have been victims of domestic violence. The women live there with their kids (some of them with up to 7 kids), and work during the day. We will spend time with the children, playing with them, doing exercise, excursions, activities, and maybe teach some English or French to the older ones (>10 years). On the weekends, we normally will have some free time to continue getting to know Guatemala.
It gets very cold here during the night, as Xela lies on 2333 metres, so that's some good news for those of you who have been jealous seeing us in the Carribean sun all the time. We're now freezing as much as you are back in Europe, and there isn't any heating here.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Hola chicos, cómo estamos disfrutando vuestro viaje !! aunque no tanto como vosotros me temo. Os mandamos muchos besitos y cariño desde Salinas para que sigais disfrutando de esta aventura tanto o más que hasta ahora. Maria, Eva, Manu, Rafa y Paloma
Muchas gracias!! nos hace ilusion saber que nos seguis tan de cerca desde nuestra querida Salinas...muchos besos a todos
¡Qué impresionante!
Sois unos valientes. A partir de ahora seguiré con mucha atención vuestro viaje.
Un beso,
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