Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kayaking on Lago Atitlán

Photo by Andreas

For our first weekend break from Xela, we headed to the spectacular Lake Atitlán. We met up here with Andreas and Kerstin, who we became friends with in Utila, Honduras. It was Día de los Muertos (1st of November) so a visit to the colourful cemetery, where the families were painting the graves of their relatives, children playing, and where the atmosphere struck us as being overall rather cheerful - a strong contrast to the serious, sad ambiance on European cemeteries on this day.

San Pedro is a little village with many tiny little streets, and some steep cobblestone streets. It counts with many foreign residents, often backpackers or hippies who got stuck here, and decided to postpone their departure date to an indefinite day in the future.

We rented kayaks and went for a little paddle around the lake, which in some sense reminded us of the lakes in Switzerland - but then again, at the same time being in Guatemala is something like the very opposite of being in Switzerland...

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