The oldest colonial city in the Americas still in existence today, Granada (population 80 000) is colourful, and very pretty.
Somebody had told us about the NGO "La Esperanza", which makes many efforts to improve education in the poorer areas around Granada. With them, we visited one of the schools they support, and went for an interesting walk through the poor neighbourhood of "La Prusia". Only about 30% of Nicaraguans finish the 6 years of primary school - helping out their family in the fields or on the market often has a higher priority than going to school. During rainfall especially, it is often difficult for them to get to the schools, and even the teachers sometimes just don't turn up - understandable considering the wage of a teacher turns around 100 US$ per month.
The following day we did an excursion to (and had a pleasant swim in) nearby Laguna de Apoyo, a lake up to 200m deep inside the crater of an extinct volcano.
Wonnerschéi Biller!!!
Wat hunn di verschidden Déieren Iech dann erzielt?
Maacht weider esou, All Gudds,
Mir hun daer Déieren gottseidank keng begéint... mir gouffen gewarnt no 7 Auer owes dierft een op keen Fall bei deen Weier goen, well den Däiwel dann ennerwee wier an eis kéint transforméieren, dofir hun mir dat singelooss an sin am Hotel bliww an hun Kaarten gespillt.
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